ADAPTED SKI AND SNOW SPORTS Adaptive skiing uses specialized equipment and/or training to allow people with disabilities to experience the benefits of skiing. Skiing is a fantastic sport for people with physical disabilities or visual impairments in that it helps to develop balance, fitness/endurance, confidence, motivation, and social skills. All of the mountains listed below offer a variety of sports and types of activities, please contact individual program for more information.
AbilityPLUS, Inc: Website: The mission of AbilityPlus is to offer increased access to athletic and recreational opportunities for persons with physical and mental disabilities that will create freedom, promote independence, support inclusion and help those individuals and their families discover their full social, mental and athletic potential. AbilityPLUS serves a diverse population of individuals, from people with severe physical disabilities to people with autism, across the spectrum. This program provides adaptive lessons in skiing, snowboarding and cross-country skiing.
Current mountains participation in AbilityPLUS: Attitash Mountain: Bartlett, NH (603) 374 – 2688 Waterville Valley Mountain: Waterville Valley, NH (603) 236 – 8311 ext. 3175 Mount Snow: Mt. Snow, VT (802) 464 – 1100 ext. 1 – 4699
New England Disabled Sports Program (NEDS) Website: Email: [email protected] New England Disabled Sports is a national recognized program which provides year round adaptive sport instruction to adults and children with physical and cognitive disabilities in skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, or biathlon.
Current locations for NEDS: Loone Mountain: 60 Loone Mountain Road, Lincoln NH, (603) 745 – 6281 (x 5663) Bretton Woods: Route 302, Bretton Woods, NH 03575, (603) 278-3398
New England Handicapped Sports Association at Mount Sunapee Website: Email: [email protected] Mount Sunapee: 1398 Route 103, PO Box 2021, Newbury NH 03255 Contact: (603) 763 – 3500 Includes: Alpine skiing, snowboarding, and cross-country skiing
Lakes Region Disabled Sports at Gunstock Mountain: Website: Email: [email protected] Gunstock Mountain: 719 Cherry Valley Road, Gilford NH 03249 Contact: (800) GUNSTOCK ext. 165
Nashoba Valley Adaptive Ski program Website: Program Director: Steve O' Keefe E-mail: [email protected] Nashoba Valley: 79 Powers Road, Westford, MA 01886 Contact: 978-692-3033 *Limited times available and must call for pre-reservation. Program is offered on Sunday afternoons at 3:00. Each lesson is one bundled price which includes a 90-minute lesson, a lift ticket, and rental equipment.